Today we will learn about all Vegetable Names in English and Hindi. We have all heard the phrase ‘Health is Wealth’. But how can we be healthy? Exercising is a major part of a healthy routine.
It is important that we eat a balanced diet. When we eat we must take all our nutrients. There must be a healthy amount of fats, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and other constituents on our plate at each meal. Thus, it is advised to consume fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
Fresh vegetables and fruits can help keep our body and mind in good condition and prove beneficial for our metabolism.
Let’s check the list of Vegetable Names below,
Varieties of Vegetables

Each vegetable is different in taste, texture, size, and color. They can also be categorized on the basis of the plant they represent. While some vegetables constitute the root of the plant, others portray the flowers. All the vegetables can be bunched together in the following groups.
Flower Vegetables
They represent the flowers of the plant. The vegetables under this category have a higher fiber content and a lower calorie content. Cauliflowers, banana flowers, artichokes, etc. are constituents of this class.
Leaf/ Green Vegetables
They are the leaves of the plant. Leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants. They are proven to boost the immune system and are disease-resistant. Spinach, cabbage, mint, kale, etc. represent this category.
Root Vegetables
Root Vegetables represent the root of the plant. They are usually starchy and rich in carbohydrates. They soak up nutrients directly from the soil, making them nutrient-rich. Radishes, carrots, onions, etc. are an example of this group.
Fruit Vegetables
These refer to the fruits of the plant. Cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, etc. are representative of this category.
Stem Vegetables
They encompass the stem of the plant. Asparagus, celery, bamboo shoots, etc. are a few types of stem vegetables.
Seeded Vegetables
These are the vegetables that function as seed pods for the plant. Both the pod and the seeds can be consumed. Green peas, kidney beans, hyacinth beans, etc. are a few crucial candidates in this category.
Water Vegetables
There are a few vegetables that grow in the water. Their nutritional value is different than those that grow on the land. Examples include water chestnuts, watercress, lotus stems, etc. These are consumed worldwide.
List of Vegetable Names
There are several vegetables spread across the globe. While some such as pumpkins are grown around the world, there are others like rhubarb which are region-specific. However, the large global export-import has led to the exchange of these vegetables. Therefore, now they can be enjoyed easily by everyone around the world.
Written below is a comprehensive list of all vegetable names. The vegetable names are given in both Hindi and English for easy understanding.
Vegetable Names in English | Vegetable Names in Hindi |
Amaranth | चौराई की सब्जी |
Amaranth Leaves | हरी चोलाई |
Apple Gourd/ Indian Squash | टिंडा |
Arrowroot | अरारोट, शिशुमुल |
Artichoke | ब्रांगी/ हाथी चक |
Arugula/ Garden Rocket | अरुगुला |
Ash gourd/ White Pumpkin/ Winter Melon | पेठा |
Asparagus | शतावरी |
Baby corn | बेबी कॉर्न |
Bamboo shoots | बांश के कोपले/ करील |
Banana Flower/Bloom | केले का फूल |
Banana Stem | केला का तना |
Basil | तुलसी |
Bean Pod | सेम की फली |
Bean Sprouts | अंकुरित सेम |
Beans | हरी बीन्स/सेम |
Beet Greens | चुकंदर हरे |
Beetroot | चकुंदर |
Bitter gourd, bitter melon | करेला |
Black Pepper | काली मिर्च |
Bok Choy | बोक चॉय/चीनी पत्ता गोभी |
Bottle gourd, opo squash,White gourd | लौकी/ घिया |
Brinjal/ Aubergine/ Eggplant | बैगन |
Broccoli | हरी गोभी |
Broccoli Rabe/ Cime De Rapa/ Rapini | रापिनी/ ब्रोकोली रबे |
Brussels Sprouts | ब्रजले स्प्राउट/ बुल्फ़ा |
Butternut Squash | बटरनट स्क्वाश |
Cabbage | पत्ता गोभी |
Calabrese | केलाब्रेसी |
Capers | केपर्स |
Capsicum, green bell pepper | शिमला मिर्च |
Carrot | गाजर |
Cassava/ Tapioca | कसावा |
Cauliflower | फूल गोभी |
Celeriac | सिलेरीएक |
Celery | आजमोदा |
Chickpeas/ Gram/ Garbanzo Beans | चना |
Chilli | मिर्च |
Chives | चाइव्स |
Chokos/ chayote/ Chow Chow | चायोट |
Choy Sum | चॉय सम |
Cluster Beans/ Guar | गवार फली |
Collard Greens | साग खन्यारी/ कोलार्ड ग्रीन्स |
Coriander/cilantro leaves | हरा धनिया पत्ता |
Corn/Maize | मक्का |
Cucumber | खीरा |
Cucumis Utilissimus | ककड़ी |
Curry Leaf | कढ़ी पत्ता |
Dandelion Greens | सिंहपर्णी |
Datil Pepper | डेटिल पेपर |
Delicata Squash/ Peanut Squash/ Bohemian Squash/ Sweet Potato Squash | देलिकाता स्क्वाश |
Dill | सोया/ सोआ/ डिल |
Drumstick | मोरिंगा/ मूंगा |
Edamame Beans | एडामे बीन्स/ जापानी बीन्स |
Elephant foot yam | जिमीकंद |
Endive/ Escarole | एन्डीव/ कासनी |
Fava Beans | बाकला/ शेम फली |
Fennel | हरा सोया |
Fenugreek Leaf | हरी मेथी |
Fiddlehead | फिडलहेड फर्न/ लिंगुड़ा |
Field beans/Broad beans/ Lima Beans | ब्रॉड बीन/ बकला |
Flat green beans, hyacinth beans | लोभिया |
Galangal | गलांगल |
Garlic | लहशुन |
Ginger | अदरक |
Gongura/ Pitwaa | गोंगुरा/ आमेली |
Green Beans/ French Beans | हरी शेम, शेम के फली |
Green Chilli | हरी मिर्च |
Green/Raw Papaya | कच्चा पपीता |
Horseradish/ Wasabi | हॉर्सरैडिश/ वसाबी |
Ice Cream Beans | आइसक्रीम बीन |
Indian Gooseberry | आंवला |
Ivy gourd or gherkins | तेंडली/ इवी गौर्ड |
Jackfruit | कटहल |
Jicama | मिश्रीकंद |
Jojoto | होहोबा |
Kai Lan/ Gai Lan/ Chinese Broccoli/ Chinese Kale | गई-लन |
Kale | करम साग |
Kidney beans/ Haricot Beans | राजमा |
Kohlrabi/ Knol khol | गांठ गोभी |
Komatsuna/ Japanese Mustard Spinach | कोमात्सुना |
Lady Finger/ Okra | भिन्डी |
Land Cress | हलीम बीज |
Leeks | हरी प्याज |
Lemon | निम्बू |
Lemongrass | नींबू घास/ लेमन ग्रास |
Lettuce | लेट्यूस/ सलाद पत्ता |
Lime | लाइम/ निम्बू |
Lotus Stem/ Lotus Root | कमल ककड़ी |
Lovage | लवेज |
Luffa | खूझा/ लूफै़ण/ लूफा नामक फली/ तुरई |
Lupins | लूपिन |
Malabar Spinach | पुई साग |
Marrow | मज्जा |
Mashua | माशुआ |
Methi | मेथी |
Mint Leaves | पुदीना |
Mizuna/ Japanese Mustard Greens | मिजुना |
Molokhia | मुलुखियाह |
Moringa | सहजन |
Moth Beans | मोठ |
Mouse Melon | कचरी |
Mung Beans | मूंग |
Mushroom | कुम्भी/ खुखड़ी |
Mustard Greens/ Leaves | सरशो पत्ता |
Natal Plum | करुन्दा / करोंदा |
Navy Beans | नेवी बीन्स |
Nettles | बिछुआ |
Nopales | नागफनी |
Onion | प्याज |
Pandan | पांडन |
Parsnips | पार्सनिप |
Peanuts | मूंगफली |
Peas | मटर |
Pigeon Pea | अरहर |
Pointed Gourd | परवल/ पटल |
Potato | आलू |
Pumpkin | घिया, कद्दू |
Purslane | कुलफा |
Radish | मूली |
Radish pods | मोगरी की फलियाँ |
Raw Banana/ Plantain | कच्चा केला |
Red cabbage | लाल पत्तागोभी |
Red Chilli | लाल मिर्च |
Rhubarb | रेवंड चीनी |
Ridged Gourd | तोरी/ झींगी |
Salsify | कचालू |
Scallions/ Spring Onions/ Green Onions | हरा प्याज/ गंठा |
Seaweed/ Kelp | शैवाल |
Silverbeet/ Chard | चार्ड |
Snake beans/Yard long beans | चिचिंडा/ चचेंडा |
Sorrel | खटमिठ/ पालक डॉक/ चांगेरी/ सोरेल |
Soya Bean | सोयाबीन |
Spinach | पालक |
Spine Gourd | कंटोला/ कर्कोटकी/ ककोरा |
Starfruit | कमरख |
Sweet Potato | शकरकंद |
Tamarind | इमली |
Taro Roots/ Colocasia Root/ Malanga | अरबी/ पेक्ची |
Tendli | कुंदरू |
Tepary Beans | तिपाई |
Tigernut | टाइगर नट्स |
Tomato | टमाटर |
Turmeric | हल्दी |
Turmeric Leaves | हल्दी के पत्तों |
Turnip/ Rutabaga/ Neeps/ Swede | शलजम |
Ube/ Purple Sweet Potato | एशियाई अरवी |
Udupi Mattu Gulla Eggplant | मट्टू गुल्ला |
Urad Bean | उरद |
Vanilla | वैनिला |
Velvet Bean | कौंच |
Waterchestnut/ Water Caltrop | सिंघाड़ा |
Watercress | जलकुंभी |
Wheatgrass | व्हीटग्रास/ गेहूं की दूब |
White Eggplant | सफ़ेद बैगन |
White Goose Foot | बथुआ |
Winter Squash/ Lakota Squash/ Spaghetti Squash | स्पेगेटी स्क्वैश |
Yacon | याकोन |
Yardlong Bean | चवली की फली |
Yarrow | यारो |
Yucca Root | सफ़ेद कंद |
Zucchini/ Courgette/ Summer Squash | तुरई |
In this list of vegetable names, you can easily find different types of veggies with their Hindi names. Everyone can learn from this guide. This is more useful for children who want to learn Vegetable Names in English and Hindi. Share this list with your friends or classmates and study together.
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